Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior Analysis: Patterns, Trends, and Implications for Energy Demand Forecasting


  • Minh Duc Nguyen Department of Electrical Engineering, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Mai Anh Tran Department of Environmental Science


The rapid adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has profound implications for energy demand and grid management. As the EV market continues to expand, understanding charging behavior patterns and trends becomes crucial for accurate energy demand forecasting and effective infrastructure planning. This research article delves into the intricate dynamics of EV charging behavior, analyzing empirical data from various sources to uncover underlying patterns and trends. By examining factors such as charging locations, time of day, charging duration, and energy consumption, this study aims to provide valuable insights for energy demand forecasting and grid load management strategies. Furthermore, the article explores the implications of these findings for policymakers, utilities, and stakeholders involved in the transition towards a more sustainable transportation sector.

Author Biography

Mai Anh Tran, Department of Environmental Science







How to Cite

Nguyen, M. D., & Tran, M. A. (2018). Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior Analysis: Patterns, Trends, and Implications for Energy Demand Forecasting. Journal of Intelligent Connectivity and Emerging Technologies, 3(11), 1–11. Retrieved from https://questsquare.org/index.php/JOUNALICET/article/view/46