Utilizing Generative AI for Real-Time Financial Market Analysis Opportunities and Challenges


  • Suresh Budha Dahal Kathmandu Tribhuvan University (TU)


Artificial Intelligence, Financial Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Real-Time Data Processing, Risk Management


The integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) into real-time financial market analysis represents a transformative advance with both profound opportunities and notable challenges. This paper explores the multifaceted implications of employing Generative AI, such as GPT models, in the financial domain. One of the primary opportunities presented by Generative AI is its ability to rapidly process and analyze extensive financial data. This includes market trends, economic reports, and detailed company financials, allowing for a level of data analysis that far exceeds human capabilities. Additionally, these AI models can engage in predictive analytics by identifying patterns and trends in financial markets, which can be pivotal in forecasting market movements and aiding investment decision-making. Generative AI also offers customization in financial reporting. It can generate personalized reports for investors, tailoring insights to individual investor profiles, thereby enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of the information provided. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in risk management by analyzing various factors, from market conditions to geopolitical events, and identifying potential risks in investment portfolios. However, this technology comes with significant challenges. The accuracy of AI predictions is heavily reliant on the quality of data, and any inherent bias could lead to flawed analyses. Over-reliance on AI for decision-making poses another challenge, especially when AI's analysis is imperfect. The 'black box' nature of AI decision-making processes often complicates the understanding of its conclusions, raising concerns about transparency. Furthermore, ethical and regulatory considerations are paramount, particularly regarding privacy issues and compliance with financial regulations. There is also the risk of market manipulation, where AI-generated analyses could be exploited for deceptive purposes. While Generative AI presents a revolutionary tool in the arsenal of financial market analysis, it is imperative to balance its opportunities with its challenges to ensure effective and ethical application.



