Advanced Adversarial Attack Techniques on Natural Language Processing Systems: Methods, Impacts, and Defense Mechanisms


  • Nguyen Minh Computer Science Department, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Rini Andini Computer Science Department, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


Adversarial attacks have emerged as a significant threat to Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems, which are widely used in applications such as sentiment analysis, machine translation, and conversational agents. These attacks involve subtle manipulations of input data that can lead to erroneous outputs, posing risks to the reliability and security of NLP models. This paper provides a comprehensive review of advanced adversarial attack techniques on NLP systems, explores their impacts, and evaluates various defense mechanisms designed to mitigate these threats. By analyzing different attack methods, including text perturbation, semantic manipulation, and syntactic alteration, we aim to highlight the vulnerabilities of NLP models. We also examine the consequences of such attacks, ranging from reduced model accuracy to potential exploitation in malicious activities. Furthermore, we evaluate existing defense strategies, such as adversarial training, input preprocessing, and robust model architectures, assessing their effectiveness and limitations. Our findings underscore the importance of developing robust defenses to ensure the security and reliability of NLP applications in adversarial settings. This study aims to provide insights into the current state of adversarial defense in NLP and to inspire further research and innovation in this critical area.

Author Biographies

Nguyen Minh, Computer Science Department, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Nguyen Minh, Computer Science Department, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Rini Andini, Computer Science Department, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Rini Andini, Computer Science Department, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


